Dare For More
Our Story. Our Mission.
Just as every person has a unique story, every company has its story. Most company stories are short as the vast majority fail within the first two years of business. Some stories are longer-lived, though not necessarily remarkable, as they move along from year to year maintaining themselves, earning their respect more for remaining in business than for growth and achievement. And very rarely there is a company whose growth from nothing to industry exception has professionals in the field holding it up as the standard of excellence. Alternatives was formed in 1998. We have ridden the peaks and valleys of economics and politics during arguably the most tumultuous years in American history. We stand today stronger, better trained, and more committed than ever to providing our clients with services unparalleled in our field. It is easy to forget our roots are extremely humble, perhaps more so than most, and that at many times since our inception, we might have become another startup casualty. We’ve changed throughout our journey. As leaders in effecting change it behooves us to practice what we teach. We credit our ability to embrace change as the driving force behind our success. We question when other accept. We research when others acquiesce. And most importantly, we love what we do. Counseling is not our work. It is our mission.
Dare for More.
Alternatives Counseling is a boutique group practice in NYC offering Solution-Focused Counseling and Coaching services.
Alternatives has been providing counseling services since 1998. Our differences set us apart from other treatment providers and are immediately evident. Within our practice you will find therapists who are relatable, challenging, supportive and motivating, the combination of which will enable you to tap into your strengths and grow beyond your imagination.
You Expect Change. We Expect Change.
The staff at Alternatives Counseling knows what elements optimize change and we begin your transition by ensuring that those elements are present before we commit to working with you:
1. Our clients identify and continuously work on mutually agreed upon therapy goals.
2. Our clients make a firm commitment to therapy.
3. Our clients demonstrate the same level of commitment to their therapy that we make to their therapy.
Just as educational institutions have admissions standards, we have standards and expectations of our clients. Our clients commit to our process knowing that this experience will be different from others. Alternatives Counseling is not a place for ambivalence or complacency. This a place for GROWTH.
When you’re ready for change, we’re ready for you.